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What is Phishing?

Phishing is an artificial word made up of "password" and "fishing". In phishing, fraudsters try to elicit your login details - i.e. passwords, email addresses, etc. - using fake emails or fraudulent websites. If they succeed, they can hijack your online accounts and book flights or send messages in your name in the cockpit, for example.Nowadays, phishing emails and fraudulent websites are often so well made that they are difficult to recognize as fakes and even experts fall for them

How you can protect yourself

The most important things are healthy suspicion and vigilance.

What is the exact address of the website you are looking for? If something has changed here, you are dealing with a fake website.

Fake websites often do not have a closed lock symbol in the address bar of your browser. The website address then begins with "http://" instead of the encrypted "https://".

Only use the correct Internet address, for example https://cockpit.aerticket.de Always enter this Internet address yourself and in full in the address line of your browser.

Do not use a search engine such as Google and do not use your browser's help function. Instead, save the Cockpit Internet address as a favorite or bookmark in your browser.